Special Education
The West Canada Valley Central School District's Committee of Special Education has an office suite located in the High School. Before coming into the CSE office, please stop by the High School Office to sign in. For any questions, issues, or concerns involving the Special Education Department, please contact the office at 315-845-6800 x 3165. Thank you
Emily Looman
Director of Special Programs
315-845-6800 ext. 3357
CSE/CPSE Secretary
Barb Smith
315-845-6800 ext: 3165
School Psychologist
Rita Juteau
315-845-6800 ext. 1200
Elementary Special Education:
Lisa Lawton: Grades 1-2 LLawton@westcanada.org
Jaclyn Santmier: Grades K & 3 jsantmier@westcanada.org
Bridget Keesler: Grade 4 bkeesler@westcanada,org
Jessica Farber: Grade 5-6 JFarber@westcanada.org
High School Special Education:
Resource Room
Tessa Knudsen: Grades 7-9 tknudsen@westcanada.org
Kayleign Astour: Grades 10-12 KAstour@westcanada.org
12:1:1 Life Skills Room
Danielle Beach: Grades 7-12 dbeach@westcanada.org
Carey Stewart: Occupational Therapist CStewart@westcanada.org
Olivia deJong: Speech Pathologist OdeJong@westcanada.org
Lindsay Humiston: Physical Therapist lhumiston@herkimer-boces.org