Course Expectations
FALL 2023 - SPRING 2024
Teacher: Mrs. Shane Bonney/Mr. Scott Bonney
Office: Band Room
Phone: 845-6800 ext. 3368-Mrs. B/ext. 3366-Mr. B
Email: - Mrs. Bonney/ - Mr. Bonney
Facebook Page: West Canada Valley Wind Ensemble
Course Objectives:
- Students will demonstrate a theoretical understanding of music by:
- Performing analysis of rhythms (counting)
- Explaining meters, both simple and compound
- Constructing, transposing and performing scales
- Developing analytical listening skills
- Interpreting and applying musical terminology
- Students will demonstrate concepts of pitch awareness by:
- Adjusting individual pitch to match that of the group
- Identifying intonation problems specific to individual’s instrument
- Students will demonstrate proper tone quality and production by:
- Utilizing correct breathing and playing habits
- Utilizing correct playing posture
- Students will demonstrate expressive playing habits by:
- Applying expression markings such as dynamics, accents, and phrase markings to their playing
- Applying stylistic techniques such as rubato and legato style playing
- Students will develop ensemble performance experience by:
- Performing a wide variety of literature from the concert band repertoire.
- Practicing sight reading
- Demonstrating an awareness of proper ensemble musical characteristics such as tonal balance, blend and intonation
- Students will develop technical proficiency by:
- Applying knowledge of alternate fingerings where appropriate
- Preparing for and performing a quarterly playing exam
Grading: All grades will be based on the following:
- Rehearsal and performance attendance and participation will count 40% toward your grade for the marking period. Do not take this lightly! Your participation is crucial. Students will receive a grade for each rehearsal.
- Weekly lesson preparation and attendance will count toward 40% of your overall grade for the marking period. Lessons will be once every 6 school days. You are expected to attend all lessons.
- Lesson grades will be determined following a rubric designed by the instructor. You will be assessed a grade for each lesson which will be determined by the following categories: Attendance, Preparation, Attitude/Behavior, Application of Information, Concept of Musical Ideas, Articulation/Sticking/Dynamics, Posture/Breath Support, Accuracy of Notes, Evidence of Practice, Contribution/Participation
- CONCERTS/COMPETITIONS ARE MANDATORY. Failure to attend a competition or concert will result in failure for that quarter. Please note that concerts may be a virtual concert in which you will submit an audio/visual recording that will be compiled into a completed piece and streamed. In addition, each Chamber Ensemble will perform at least once piece for the concert which will be prerecorded and streamed to the public.
Virtual Assignments will count toward 20% of your overall grade for the marking period. If you are in band and chorus you need only submit the assignment one time. If the assignment is slightly different for band and chorus, you may choose which assignment you would rather do.
- Rehearsal begins at the beginning of the period - if you are coming from lunch Mrs. Bonney will meet you at the lunch room and escort you to the band room with your lunch.
- Be on time. 30 absences result in denial of course credit.
- Cell Phone use during rehearsal is prohibited.
- Instruments are to be in proper working condition at all times. This means oiling valves, etc. BEFORE we start.
- Instruments are to be put away properly in cubbies. Remove reeds from mouthpieces, etc.
- All rules and regulations normally associated with the West Canada Valley School District are in effect during all rehearsals, performances and all trips.
- Please restore the band room to its original condition at the conclusion of rehearsal.
Each week YOU start with a 100 in Participation Points and every day you can lose points for the following offenses:
-10 Points
Forgot Instrument (1st Offense)
Rude Behavior
Playing While the Director is Teaching
Using Your Cell Phone in Rehearsal (Warning)
-5 Points
Excessive Talking in Rehearsal
Improper Posture
Chewing Gum
No Pencil When Your Score Needs Marking
100: Practice: Most days.
Improvement: Every lesson.
Effort: Going above and beyond. Participates in extra musical ensembles within and outside of the school. Shows leadership ability. One of the top musicians in the school.
Lesson Material:Completely prepared. Very few errors.
Band Behavior: Model student and leader. Does not talk in class. Never has cell phone out. Marks music without direction. Is always attentive and polite. Contributes musically to every rehearsal.
95-99: Practice: Most days.
Improvement: Every lesson.
Effort: Going above and beyond. Participates in extra musical ensembles within and outside of the school. Shows leadership ability. Working to be the top musician in the section.
Lesson Material:Completely prepared with some errors that are easily corrected in the lesson.
Band Behavior: Model student and leader. Does not talk in class. Never has cell phone out. Marks music without direction. Is always attentive and polite. Contributes musically to every rehearsal.
90-94: Practice: A few days a week.
Improvement: Every lesson.
Effort: Working hard and achieving at grade (or ability) level. Shows that improvement is innately important. Middle of section musician.
Lesson Material:Some preparation made. Errors may be frequent, but are easily corrected.
Band Behavior: Model student and leader. Does not talk in class. Never has cell phone out. Marks music when asked. Is always attentive and polite. Contributes musically to every rehearsal.
85-89: Practice: A few days a week.
Improvement: Some made in the timespan of 2-3 lessons.
Effort: Maintaining status quo and achieving at grade (or ability) level. Exhibits the want to improve, even though progress may be slow. Middle of section musician.
Lesson Material:Some preparation made. Errors may be frequent and some material may be
Band Behavior: Model student. Does not talk in class. Never has cell phone out. Marks music when asked. Is always attentive and polite. Contributes musically to every rehearsal. Sometimes struggles with the music, but is working hard every day.
80-84: Practice: Minimal.
Improvement: Some made in the timespan of 2-3 lessons.
Effort: Maintaining status quo and achieving at grade (or ability) level. Is okay with status quo and being in the lower half of their section in band.
Lesson Material:Some preparation made. Errors are frequent and almost all material may be
Band Behavior: Behavior has to be corrected occasionally. Student sometimes has trouble staying on task. Struggles with the music, but is working hard every day.
70-79: Practice: Minimal to none.
Improvement: Very little made in the timespan of a marking period.
Effort: Very little. Achieving below grade level. Is okay with status quo and being in lower half of their section in band. Instrument is never taken home.
Lesson Material:Very little preparation made. Errors are frequent and almost all material may be
Band Behavior: Behavior has to be corrected often. Student has trouble staying on task. Struggles with the music and does very little to improve.
Below 69: Practice: None.
Improvement: No improvement made over the marking period.
Effort: None. Achieving below grade level. Is okay with status quo and being in the lower half of their section.
Lesson Material:No preparation made. Does not show up to lessons.
Band Behavior: Behavior has to be corrected often. Student has trouble staying on task. Struggles with the music and does very little to improve. Student is often a discipline problem.