Board Policy Part II
1.1 School District and Board of Education Legal Status 1.2 Board of Education Authority 1.3 Number of Members and Terms of Office | |
2.1 Board of Education Members: Qualifications 2.2 Board of Education Members: Nominations and Election 2.3 Reporting of Expenditures and Contributions 2.4 Resignation and Dismissal | |
3.1 Powers and Duties of the Board 3.2 Nomination and Election of Board Officers | |
3.2.1 Duties of the President of the Board of Education 3.2.2 Duties of the Vice President of the Board of Education | |
3.3 Appointments and Designations by the Board of Education | |
3.3.1 Duties of the District Clerk
3.3.2 Duties of the School District Treasurer 3.3.3 Duties of the Tax Collector 3.3.4 Duties of the External (Independent) Auditor 3.3.5 Appointments and Duties of the Claims Auditor 3.3.6 Duties of the Extra-classroom Activities Funds Treasurer(s) 3.3.7 Duties of the School Attorney 3.3.8 Duties of the School Physician/Nurse Practitioner 3.3.9 Duties of the Internal Auditor | 1338 |
BOARD POLICY 4.1 Policy and Administrative Regulations 4.2 Execution of Policy: Administrative Regulations | NUMBER |
MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION 5.1 Regular Board Meetings 5.2 Special Meetings of the Board of Education | NUMBER |
MEETINGS OF THE DISTRICT 6.1 Annual District Meeting and Election/Budget Vote 6.1.1 Business of the Annual District Election 6.2 Annual Organization Meeting 6.3 Legal Qualifications of Voters at School District Meetings 6.4 Absentee Ballots 6.5. Submission of Questions and Propositions at Annual Elections and Special District Meetings | NUMBER |
RULES OF MEETINGS 7.1 Quorum 7.2 Minutes 7.3 Executive Sessions 7.4 Guidelines for Time of Meetings | NUMBERS |
INTERNAL OPERATIONS 1.1 Orienting New Board Members 1.2 Use of Parliamentary Procedure 1.3 Board Member Training on Financial Oversight, Accountability and Fiduciary BOARD OF EDUCATION COMMITTEES 2.1 Committees of the Board BOARD OF EDUCATION ACTIVITIES 3.1 Membership in Associations 3.2 Attendance by Board Members at Conferences, Conventions, and Workshops 3.3 Compensation and Expenses 3.4 Board Self-Evaluation | |
COMMUNITY RELATIONS SCHOOL COMMUNITY RELATIONS 1.1 School Sponsored Media 1.2 Relations with Municipal Governments 1.3 Senior Citizens 1.4 Flag Displays 1.5 School Volunteers PARTICIPATION BY THE PUBLIC 2.1 Visitors to the School 2.2 Public Expressions at Meetings 2.3 Public Complaints 2.4 Student Participation 2.5 Parent-Teacher Organization 2.6 Booster Clubs/Parent-Teacher Organization 2.7 Solicitation 2.7.1 Solicitation of Charitable Donations from School Children. 2.7.2 Advertising in the Schools 2.7.3 Soliciting Funds from School Personnel 2.8 Community Use of School Facilities 2.9 Operation of Motor-Drive Vehicles on District Property | |
DISTRICT RECORDS 3.1 Public Access to Records 3.2 Confidentiality of Computerized Information PUBLIC ORDER ON SCHOOL PROPERTY 4.1 Code of Conduct on School Property 4.1.1 Unlawful Possession of a Weapon Upon School Grounds 4.1.2 Threats of Violence in School 4.2 Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harrassment 4.2.1 Title IX and Sex Discrimination 4.3 Violent and Disruptive Incident Reporting System EMERGENCY SITUATIONS 5.1 Emergency Closings | |
CONTENTS West Canada Valley Central School District ADMINISTRATION 1.1 Administrative Personnel ADMINISTRATIVE OPERATIONS 2.1 Administrative Organization and Operation 2.1.1 Line Responsibility. 2.1.2 Organizational Chart 2.2 Abolishing an Administrative Position 2.3 Administrative Authority during Absence of the Superintendent of Schools 2.4 Administrative Latitude in the Absence of Board Policy 2.5 Use of Committees 2.6 Evaluation of the Superintendent and Administrative Staff 2.6.1 Purpose and Guideposts for Evaluation of the Superintendent CENTRAL OFFICE AND BUILDING ADMINISTRATION 3.1 Duties of the Superintendent of Schools 3.2 Superintendent-Board of Education Relations 3.3 Administrative Staff COMPENSATION AND RELATED BENEFITS 4.1 Professional Development Opportunities 4.2 Compensation and Related Benefits | |
NON-INSTRUCTIONAL/BUSINESS OPERATIONS Budget 1.1 Budget Planning and Development 1.2 School District Budget Hearing 1.3 Budget Adoption 1.4 Administration of the Budget 1.5 Contingency Budget | |
Income 2.1 Revenues 2.3 Acceptance of Gifts, Grants, and Bequests to the School District 2.4 School Tax Assessment and Collection 2.4.1 Property Tax Excemptions 2.5 Sale and Disposal of Property | |
Expenditures 3.1 Bonding of Employees ad School Board Members 3.2 Expenditures of School District Funds 3.2.1 Use of the District Credit Card 3.2.3 Reimbursement for Meals/Refreshments 3.3 Budget Transfers 3.4 Borrowing Funds | |
Purchasing 4.1 Purchasing | |
FISCAL ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING 5.1 Accounting of Funds 5.1.1. Reserve Funds 5.2 Extra Classroom Activities Fund 5.3 Petty Cash Funds and Cash in School Buildings 5.4 Publications of the District's Annual Financial Statement 5.5 Maintenance of Fiscal Effort (Title I Program) 5.5.1 Allocation of Title I, Part A Funds in the District 5.6 Use of Federal Funds for Political Expenditures 5.7 Financial Accountability 5.7.1 Allegations of Fraud 5.7.2 Audit Committee 5.7.3 Internal Audit Function 5.7.4 Medicaid Compliance Program | |
NON-INSTRUCTIONAL OPERATIONS 6.1 Insurance 6.2 Fixed Asset Inventories, Accounting, and Tracking 6.2.1 Accounting of Fixed Assets 6.3 Facilities: Inspection, Operation, and Maintenance 6.3.1 Handling of Toxic Waste and Toxic Substances 6.4 Smoking/Tobacco Use 6.5 Energy/Water Conservation and Recycling of Solid Waste 6.6 School Food Service Program (Lunch and Breakfast) 6.6.1 Wellness Policy 6.7 Records Management 6.7.1 Disposal of Consumer Report Information and Records 6.7.2 Information Security Breach and Notification 6.7.4 Data Networks and Security Access 6.7.5 Student Grading Information Systems
6.7.6. Privacy and Security for Student Data and Teacher and Principal Data 6.8 Safety and Security 6.8.1 School Safety Plans 6.8.2 Crisis Response (Post Incident Response) 6.8.3 Fire Drills, Bomb Threats and Bus Emergency 6.8.4 Anthrax and Other Biological Terrorism: Prevention Protocols/Protocols for Mail Handling 6.8.5 Cardiac Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) in Public School Facilities 6.8.6 School Building Access Control 6.9 Exposure Control Program 6.9.1 Communicable Diseases 6.9.2 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Related Illnesses
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TRANSPORTATION 7.1 Transportation Program 7.2 Scheduling and Routing 7.3 Transportation of Students 7.4 Use of Buses by Community Groups 7.5 School Bus Safety Program 7.5.1 School Bus Idling 7.6 Qualifications of Drivers 7.6.1 Drug and Alcohol Testing for School bus Drivers and Other Safety-Sensitive Employees | |
CONTENTS PERSONNEL 1.1 Code of Ethics for All District Personnel 1.2 Equal Employment Opportunity 1.2.1 Sexual Harassment of District Personnel 1.3 Evaluation of Personnel Purposes 1.4 Health Examinations 1.5 Alcohol, Drugs, and Other Substances (School Personnel) 1.5.1 Drug-Free Workplace 1.6 Professional Growth/Staff Development 1.6.1 Mileage Reimbursement 1.7 Fingerprinting of Prospective School Employees 1.8 Staff-Student Relations (Fraternization) 1.9 Identification Badges | NUMBER |
CERTIFIED PERSONNEL 2.1 Certified Personnel 2.1.1 Recruitment 2.1.2 Certification and Qualifications Incidental Teaching 2.1.3 Professional Development 2.1.4 Professional Staff: Separation 2.1.5 Employment 2.1.6 Disciplining of a Tenured Teacher of Certified Personnel 2.2 Temporary Personnel 2.2.1 Transition Employee Policy | 6221 |
SUPPORT STAFF 3.1 Appointment - Support Staff 3.2 Supplementary School Presonnel ACTIVITIES 4.1 Maintaining Discipline and Conduct 4.2 Employee Personnel Records and Release of Information 4.3 Employee Activities 4.4 Negotiations 4.5 Theft of Services or Property 4.6 Jury Duty 4.7 Staff Use of Computerized Information Resources | |
COMPENSATION AND RELATED BENEFITS 5.1 Health Insurance 5.2 Worker's Compensation 5.3 Payroll Deductions 5.4 Defense and Indemnification of Board Members and Employees 5.5 Leaves of Absence 5.5.1 Family and Medical Leave Act 5.6 Employee Assistance Program (EAP) | |
Attendance 1.1 Comprehensive Student Attendance Policy 1.1.1 Released Time of Students 1.2 Age of Entrance 1.2.1 Diagnostic Screening of Students 1.3 Entitlement to Attend - Age and Residency 1.3.1 Education of Homeless Children and Youth 1.3.2 Non-Resident Students 1.3.3 Education of Students in foster care 1.4 Involuntary Transfer of Students 1.5 Educational Services for Married/Pregnant Students 1.6 School Census | |
Student Progress 2.1 Student Evaluation 2.1.1 Provision of Interpreter Services to Parents who are Hearing Impaired 2.1.2 Honor Roll, Valedictorian, Salutatorian, and Honor Graduates 2.2 Graduating Requirements 2.1.2 Participation In Graduation Ceremonies and Activities 2.2.2 Credential Options for Students with Disabilities 2.3 Dual Credit for College Courses 2.4 Student Records: Access and Challenge 2.4.1 Release of Information to the Noncustodial Parent 2.4.2 Student Directory Information 2.4.4 Military Recruiters' Access to Secondary School Students and Information on Students 2.5 Student Privacy, Parent Access to Information, and Administration of Certain Physical 2.6 Designation of Person in Parental Relations | |
Student Conduct 3.1 School Conduct and Discipline 3.1.1 Loss or Destruction of District Property or Resources 3.1.2 Student Dress Code 3.1.3 Suspension of Students 3.1.4 Student Use of Computerized Information Resources (Acceptable Use Policy) 3.1.5 Students Presumed to Have a Disability for Discipline Purposes 3.2 Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs and Other Substances (Students) 3.3 Searches and Interrogations 3.4 Bus Rules and Regulations 3.5 Corporal Punishment/Emergency Interventions 3.6 Weapons in School and the Gun-Free Schools Act | |
Student Activities 4.1 Extracurricular Activities 4.1.1 Censorship of School Sponsored Student Publications and Activities 4.2 Sports and the Athletic Program 4.3 Contests for Students, Student Awards, and Scholarships 4.4 Musical Instruments 4.5 Fund Raising by Students 4.6 Constitutionally Protected Prayer in the Public Schools | |
Student Welfare 5.1 School Health Services 5.1.1 Immunization of Students 5.1.2 Student Physicals 5.1.3 Administration of Medication 5.2 Accidents and Medical Emergencies 5.2.1 Students with Life Threatening Allergies 5.2.2 Concussion Management 5.3 Child Abuse 5.4 Suicide 5.5 Dignity For All Students 5.5.1 Sexual Harassment of Students 5.5.2 Bullying: Peer Abuse in the Schools 5.5.3 Hazing of Students 5.5.4 Dignity for All Students Act 5.6 Notification of Sex Offenders 5.7 Supervision of Students 5.8 Safe Public School Choice Option for Students who are a Victim of a Violent Criminal Offense | |
Special Education 6.1 Special Education: District Plan 6.1.1 Children with Disabilities 6.1.2 Grouping Similarity of Needs 6.1.3 The Role of the Board in Implementing a Student's Individualized Education Program 6.1.4 Preschool Special Education Program 6.1.5 Least Restrictive Environment 6.1.6 Pre-referral Intervention Strategies in General Education (Prior to a Referral for Special Education) 6.1.7 Declassification of Students with Disabilities 6.2 Students with Disabilities Participating in School District Programs 6.2.1 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 6.3 Appointment and Training of CSE and CPSE Members 6.3.1 Appointment and Training of Committee on Special Education 6.3.2 Appointment and Training of Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) Members 6.4 Student Individualized Education Program (IEP): Development and Provision 6.4.1 Transition Services 6.4.2 Extended School Year (July/August) Services and/or Programs 6.4.3 Transfer Students with Disabilities 6.5 Identification and Register of Children with Disabilities 6.6 Parent Involvement for Children with Disabilities 6.7 Impartial Due Process Hearings/Selection of Impartial Hearing Officers 6.8 Independent Educational Evaluations 6.9 Special Education Mediation | |
Curriculum (General) 1.1 Curriculum Development, Resources, and Evaluation 1.3 Equal Educational Opportunities Elementary and Secondary Instruction 2.1 Safety Conditions and Programs 2.1.1 Prevention Instruction 2.2 Career and Technical (Occupational) Education 2.3 Guidance Program 2.4 Instructional Program 2.4.1 Patriotism, Citizenship and Human Rights 2.4.2 Civility, Citizenship and Character Education/Interpersonal Violence Prevention Education 2.5 Evaluation of the Instructional Program Animals at School 2.6 Title 1 Parent Involvement Policy 2.7 Instructional Technology 2.7.1 The Children's Internet Protection Act: Internet Content Filtering/Safety Policy 2.8 Instruction for English Language Learners or Students with Limited English | Number |
Elementary and Secondary Instruction 3.1 Purposes of Instructional Materials 3.2 Selection of Library and Multimedia Materials 3.3 Objection to Instructional Materials 3.4 Textbooks/Workbooks/Calculators/Instructional Computer Hardware 3.5Use of Copyrighted Materials 3.6 Religious Expression in the Instructional Program Instructional Materials 3.1 Purposes of Instructional Materials 3.2 Selection of Library and Multimedia Materials 3.3 Objection to Instructional Materials 3.4 Textbooks/Workbooks/Calculators/Instructional Computer Hardware 3.5 Use of Copyrighted Materials 3.6 Religious Expression in the Instructional Program Instructional Arrangements 4.1 School Calendar and School Day 4.2 Opening Exercises 4.3 Independent Study for Transfer Credit 4.4 Homework 4.5 Home Tutoring (Homebound Instruction) 4.6 Field Trips 4.7 Home Instruction (Home Schooling) | Numbers |